Here you will get software testing jobs, IT Walk-in Interviews, IT Jobs for Freshers, ISTQB Software Testing Study Material, Testing Interview questions, IT Courses Training, software testing in Delhi.

3. Features to be tested include:

1. Display color of website
2. Tab key functionality on website
3. Tool tip
4. Sound
5. Accessibility of all links and clickable image

3.1 Admin Homepage:
1. Validation of Admin Login
2. Create Admin member
3. Change Password
4. Add Exam subject
5. Add test skill type
6. Add question

3.2 Main Index Homepage:

1. Validation of member Login
2. Checking of Test skills such as IQ tests, Personality test, Aptitude test, Voice skill test etc.
3. Signup user (Registration form)
4. Testing of links including Home, About us, Product and services, Partners, Profiles, Payment options, Contact us.
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